baby tuxedo bear update!

oh, he is just too cute! he'll be 8 weeks old next week and he's lookin' pretty plump. look at that round tummy and butt!! there he is over there. his eyes opened the other day. he still doesn't do much 'xcept flail his arms 'n legs all around, but pretty soon, he'll be crawlin' and stuff.
Mia and Ghost were very nice the other day to let me know about the baby namin' contest the zoo is havin'. their Mom heard about it and told them. if you go here: you can find out 'bout it. the zoo is gonna pick one name of somebody who voted and bring them and a friend to washin'ton dc for the naming ceremoni - everything all paid for! wow, would that be fun or what?? so all you poodins go vote and maybe one of us will be lucky and get to be there for the big par-tay!!
just thought you might want to know.