well. i am exhausted. yesterday was the day to go to our vet doctor for a check up. i get real scared 'cause i don't like to travel, but Dr. Cindy is real, real nice and calls me handsome and stuff. plus Dawn is my favorite Tech and she was there yesterday. she's pretty and gave me a kiss. but, i have to tell you what my sister did.
my Mom got me in my carrier first 'cause i'm very well behaved. she had the carriers in the bathroom (she said it seemed like a good idea at the time). when she brought Casey in to put her in her carrier, Casey freaked out. started yowling REALLY LOUD and hissin' and clawin' all over my poor Mom. Casey got her back claws stuck in my Mom's shirt and in her hand, and then she tried to climb the woven window shade and got her front claws all stuck really bad and my Mom couldn't get 'em out. then. then. oh my. Casey peed all over. the wall. the floor. her carrier. and on my Mom. tsk, tsk, tsk. poor Mom didn't know what to do! Casey was all stuck. so my Mom had to rip the blind down with her right hand only (cause Casey's claws were stuck in her left hand) and put the blind on the floor, in the cat pee, so Casey could get unstuck. then my Mom put her coat on and the two of us left, cat pee and all and Casey stayed home. so now my sister isn't just poopy. she's pi**y too (my Mom won't let me post that word, she says it's not nice, but i think you all know what it is.) at least one of us in this family has manners! (and gosh, she smells bad. my Mom is going to wash her, pe-uw!)