ever have one of those days, where you're just sittin' 'round, thinkin' 'bout stuff? and somethin' pops in your head that you're wonderin' 'bout? that's what happened to me today. i was wonderin' how all the fine felines i've been meetin' thru our blogs got our names. some are easy, like i think i how how ghost got her name. and oreo, i mean unless there's some real bizarre hidden story there, i think i have that one figured out. but what about mia? or Wm of Mass Destruction. or Timmothy Dickens. or Scooby? i'll tell my story if you'll all tell yours.....
when i got 'dopted, i was real young and tiny. the 'doption lady told my Mom that they found me and my sister and brother in a tire in a field and that my catMom was no where to be seen. she also said ii was a girl, which Mom was glad 'bout 'cause they didn't want a boy kitty ever again 'cause of some "spraying" stuff that gone on in the past. so the Mom took me home. they decided to name me Edina, after a woman on an English tv show called Absolutely Fabulous. her nickname was Eddie. a week later, when i had a vet dr. appointment, everyone realized i was not a girl (geez, it was pretty obvious, there). panic set in. what would my name be??? that night was Dream Cruise, a big old car thingy we have here every year. they were standin' on the side of the road, watchin' all these cool old cars and what drove by??? a real pretty pink Edsel. and that's how I got my name! and now, in my Mom's office, she has four little Edsel cars, a couple of Edsel signs, it's kinda cool. of course it's kind of weird to be named after the biggest auto failure known to man.....