the indignity

a mobile grooming company. it's called aussie and it started in Australia my Mom said and now they are in 17 countries.
i groom myself quite nicely, thank you very much. except for my back right in front of my tail. i can't reach there and i get these weird flat matts and i won't let my Mom or the Dad get them out. but she said it was mostly for Casey, who was a mess. her fur is so long and she won't sit still to get combed and she really was in awful shape. this is how she looks now:

now, you're probly wondering what is wrong with her head. the groomer lady but these weird little bows on her head! two of them. she got one off really fast, but the other one was rubber banded on really good and my Mom took it off. hahahahaha
now, i had some real issues with the service I got. LOOK WHAT SHE DID TO ME:

she was shavin' a matt off and CUT ME. for God's sake, i was bleedin' and everythin'! she told my Mom I was fine that it's just a surface nick and it'll heal real fast. well. in the meantime i have no fur there and it looks terrible. just terrible. an open wound on my back! i'm so embarrased.
so that's how my day has been......
Goodness, I hadn't heard of this place that makes house call. I better keep watch for them pulling up in my drive. ...Not that I need their services mind you.
But you got a cut on your bum? OUCHIE.
This is just deplorable. Maybe you need to runnoft like you did right afore your Momma got sick. Amember, you hided out here? I don't think Momma has any plans like that, furr us, but then, you nefurr know.
She CUT you? I hope that was a free grooming! And I hope you pooped on her while you were at it!
Oh no, she cute you?!?! I'll come over right now and kiss your booboo and make it better.
your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni
We knew there were woofie groomers that come to the house, but never knew they did kitties too! We'd have to run and hide if they showed up, we barely let Mommy and Daddy brush us, let alone a stranger. We're sorry she cut you, that wasn't very nice!
Poor Edsel. At least you didn't get bows, though. Or have your toenails painted red or pink or something.
You got cutted up??!! Oh noooo!!!!
Poor Edsel. We are so sorry that you got a cut. That wasn't right of the groomer. We didn't know the mobile vans did cats too. Thank goodness we will never need one of those.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
OMG! The shaved your bum!
How dare she! Cutting the fur is bad enough but then to cut your skin too - how awful!! I hope you will heal fast and that your fur will grow back soon.
Owww. But I bet you got lots of loving from your little gun moll, Boni!
We're thinking good thoughts for your mama.
Very hard.
Oah My God~~~
Sorry you are bleeding, I hope you are doing ok~~
Oah Dear, I want to hug you to comfort you~~
Edsel this is awful! And they call themselves professionals!
We also feel sorry for Casey. We know she isn't a bow in the hair kinda girl.
Thanks for the warning - I'm on the lookout!
Happy St Patrick's Day Edsel and Edselsmom :)
Boni Maroni and the rest of the Hotties
OMG Edsel, I get those same kind of mats and I won't let Mom get them, either! I better watch out for suspicious looking vans that pull up in front of our house.
Max S
Poor Edsel! I once saw one of those mobile pet groomer things when I was watching out my balcony. Luckily mom didn't see it! Shhhh...don't tell anyone else.
Shame on them for hurting you! They should give your mom her money back and give you a two years supply of the Kitty Treats of your choice! Yes, they should!!!
Oh my goodness! She cut you! I'm so sorry! Mom giggled when she saw Casey's bows. Josie and Maggie would have nothing to with those!!!!
Take care of your booboo!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Hi! Just checking in to see if your cut is better and if your fur is growning back. Hope so.
Edsel, I hope your cut has healed up now. *nosekiss*
your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni
Happy Spring (n Easter if anya yall cellybrates it) to alla yore fambly!
Alla Us Hotties
Happy Easter Edsel. I hope you didn't get much of the last snow storm.
oh no, you have a patch of missing hair and she cut YOU! What?!? I would have bit the groomer. :)
Mum got a thing in the mail today that advertised this group. I better watch out if they show up here.
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