she cheated on me

well, i've read 'bout this happenin', but i never thought it would happen to me. my Mom cheated on me. she went out to dinner with her girlfriends last night and came home smellin' like a floozy cat. what?? my Mom said it wasn't a floozy. it's a nice 8 month old kitten who showed up at her friends house and wouldn't leave so they 'dopted her. my Mom said she is the nicest kitty she ever met. (what does that make me?? chopped liver??) really, really friendly, was crawlin' all over her and purrin' and wantin' loves. i mean, she had white fur all over her when she got home and i could even smell that cat on her face. that means she was kissin' on it. i'm crushed. she even has a picture of the mangy little thing.....
AT least she didn't bring it home! But to say it was the nice kittie she ever met? That is so insulting to you and Casey.
she explained that because i am so "aloof" whenever anybody comes over that some people joke with her that i don't really exist'cause they never see me and that this kitty was just so darned friendly it amazed her. she said it was no reflection on me or her love for me. she's still a cheater
don't worry, edsel. yer mom loves you furry much. if she can get upset ofur a fev-ver gettin' hit by a car, she's one of the moms who has love for all critters, an' just can't help lovin' on 'em. but you're her sweet baby boycat, an' allus will be.
our mom does that alla time--comes home smellin' like ofurr kitties an' even woofies!!! but she nefur brings any of 'em home. she sez her cup already runneth ofur, an' she can't afford to make it drip any more than it already does. we fink that means there's e-darn-nuff of us!
Derby's right, at least she didn't bring it home. The Man went next door the otehr day and came back smelling like TWO other kitties. I've learned to not take it personally, though Buddah was mighty upset...
OMG! Not Edsel's Mum...
I think that is fine, your momma still loves you~! Don't mind about that.
Edsel we feel your pain!
Our mom is one of those who has to pet and get friendly with every critter she meets!
I know my mom has been cruising the animal shelter a lot lately, because she comes home with millions of alien cat smells on her...even on her shoes! At least your safe, Edsel. But I don't know about that nicest kitty she ever met comment...
Hi Edsel. I really like your blog. I know sometimes my mom says stuff that hurts my feelings. You should let her know...sometimes people say things without thinking and don't really mean what they the "nicest kitty" thing but maybe she just meant kitty as in little cat and you Edsel are the nicest grownup cat she has ever met? O.K. that interpretation is quite a stretch.
Maybe you should just bite something of hers or rip something she likes a lot with your claws to show her how mad and crushed you feel.
oh Edsel, I would haf been crushed too.
Oh she looks so cute! Don't worry I'm sure your mom bean still loves you as much :)
I usually cut my mom some slack about sad kitties,and she is kinda cute...
Humans should definitely hide the evidence when they're with "other" kitties!
OOH, that "nicest kitty effect"! We hate that. An our Big Thing is kinda careful aout using that phrase.
If it helps any, they usually don't mean that they plan to bring a new kitty in. But ya never know and havta be careful about it.
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