what the heck????

well i never. it's my 10th Purrthday and my Mom almost forgot! she says it's just that she has so much goin' on and all, but how often does a guy turn ten???? she did fix me some nice cod and i got to romp in the yard a bunch. she promised that next weekend we'd par-tay. maybe i can convince her to let me have friends come over. so, Happy Purrthday to me!!
Happy birthday, Edsel! Ten, wow! And cod, too! (Sometimes at my house we have "floating birthdays" just because my mom can't remember things from minute to minute, let alone year to year.)
Don't feel too bad, my people forgot mine last year and I bet they forget this year too...
Happy Purrthday, Edsel. It's hard to believe you're 10. You don't look a day over 5! You're the handsomest Tuxie gangster.
PURRRRRRRRRRs and headbumpies,
your Tuxie gun moll Boni
Happy Birthday, Edsel. I agree with Boni; you don't look 10 at all. Have fun at your party next weekend.
Happy birthday! Let's party!
Happy 10th Purrthday, Edsel!! Your don't look a day over 5. A birthday party such fun. I'll post your BD note over at the TGH.
Samantha & Tigger
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Edsel,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!
Lookin good, my fine tuxie furiend!
Happy Purrthday Edsel! and a squillion more. Hmm, a party? That wood be nice.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Purrrrrrthday, Edsel! Cod, and romping and a par-tay promise! What more could a guy ask for?
oh Happy Happy Purrfday Buddy!!!!
We wood cum if you had a partie. Amember the time you pulled Boni's tail at a parti we had and Momma got a picher of it?
Happy Birthday Edsel! Nice to meet you. :)
Happy Purrthday, Edsel!
--Jasper, Josie, HB, and Maggie
Happy Belated Birthday to Edsel! We're glad that you got to have some fish and maybe even a party!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Wow Edsel your a purrfect 10! That is grate!
Time to party down!!
Happy belated purrthday Edsel, I'm glad you got fish!
A furry 10th Happy Purrthday to you Edsel! (Sorry we're a little bit late.) Sounds like ya had a furry special day!
Happy 10th Birthday Edsel! That is wonderful. It sounds like you had a great day. mmmmm Cod. That is a great treat.
I'm glad you got to play in the yard too. Let us know if you have a party, I'd be happy to come!
Edsel, I'm so happy you've reached double digits! I'll be 10 in a few weeks so we can be Old Geezers together.
Happy Birthday Edsel!!! You are looking fine and we hope you had a great birthday with snuggles for your mom included. Cod sounds good and so does romping in the yard!!
We is always up fer a PAR-TAY! Happy belated purrrthday!
Happy belated birfday, Edsel! Cod! Wow!
Hope your mama is doing well. We think about you two always, and wish good things for you.
Happy Birthday Handsome!
happy purrthday, edsel ol' bud! we are furry happy you are here wif us!!
there is a "very merry unbirthday" mentioned in a story about a girl named alice--ask your mom to read it to you like our mom reads aloud to us. maybe that is the celebration you can haf! or a "floating" purrthday, like william said! parties are happy times, no matter their reasons!
we hopes you lives many more years in peace an' health!
nels, ed, nitro, & xing
Happy Purrthday Edsel! A party would be lotsa fun! We're glad you got some yummy fish and got to go outside.
Happy Purrthday Edsel. You got fish! Your mum was so nice to fix you fish!
Happy Birthday Edsel! Cod is really really good too. Hope you have a wonderful celebration this weekend.
Happy Purrthday Edsel!
Dude!Happy a'lated Purrthday! I's so sorry I miss-ed it. :(
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