happy purrthday to the Dad
well, to cellybrate bein' done with radiashun, my Mom took the day off from work today, plus it was the Dad's purrthday so she thought he might want to do something fun, but no. he wanted to just do his regular day. so my Mom wrapped a pirate scarf around her head and went shoppin'. she already had presents for the Dad so she bought herself a new red purse. now not knowing my Mom, you may not understand how weird this is. i don't think she has ever, except maybe for the tuxedo purse i showed you a while back, had anything other than a plain black purse. so to get this RED one, i don't know. i think they really fried her brain. they're goin' out for dinner soon. i hope they bring me somethin' good. Casey and i got the Dad a Starbucks gift card and my Mom got him some nice mechanical pencils 'cause he likes to draw his art stuff with, so i think he was happy. i wonder what weird thing my Mom will do next???? pee ess. she locked me outside in the kitty condo last night. she swore it was a mistake............
Wow mum says that is such a purrty purse. Mum normally just uses black ones too.
i'm shur it was a mistake that you gotted locked outside.
mommy LOVES that purse!!
We're so glad to hear your mom is done with her treatment! It's good that she got that pretty red purse, too. (I'm very partial to red.) My mom's the black purse type, too, but she got a red purse a few years ago. Only hers doesn't have a cat on it so it's not nearly as cool.
Oh, and happy birthday to the dad!
We like that purse! Obviously, it just spoke to your mom (and said somethin like "Hey lady, buy me!! don't I remind you of someone??").
So glad the radiation is done! Woo hoo!!!
Edsel we are so happy your mom is done with that nastiness!
We love that purse too. Hope gave it a good sniff down when she brought it home to make sure its a good one!
Our mom resisted the red purse craze until recently. She is a purse-a-holic and has a bunch of them.
Our Momma sure duz luv that purse. She hopes maybe sometime she can see it.
Is your Momma a for real live pirate?
Pee Ess.....Momma is so glad the radiation is over.
Doood I am so glad she's done with the zapper thingy. She deserves a spiffy new red purse to celebrate. I would be even happier if I knew what a putrse was! I don't think I've ever seen on,e what with the Woman being such a drag king and all...
Happy birthday to your dad, too!
Mom says that is a very beautiful purse! Happy PurseDay to your mom! Oh, and Happy Birthday to your Dad.
Sorry you got locked out in the cat condo...I'm sure it was a mistake like your mom said...I got locked in a closet once.
My mommy said that i's a great relief psychologically to be done with the radiation. It may take awhile to fel better physically,though.
Se thought the red purse was a great way to celebrate a new chapter in your mom's life.
I have nominated you for a Schmoozing Blog Award. Come by my blog and pick it up.
Yay for your Mom getting done with radiashun! Maybe they did fry her brain if she doesn't usually get red pu rses. But, you know, it's kind of a cool one with that cat on it. So maybe she's not all fried since she still loves cats. My Mom's been sick with a bug, all through her purrthday and all, but not too bad. She just has to rest too much and take defeverizers and stuff. Tell your Dad happy purrthday please, even tho it's kind of late. Sorry to be late!
purrrrrrrrrs and headbumpies,
your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni
Well, yur Mom deserves somethin special right now!
But she locked you outside in a kitty condo? We're confoosed. You have a kitty condo outside? Doesnt it get all wet in the rain or somethin? Ours is covered with rug an we would hate wet rug.
Congratulations to your mom! We like her purse too!
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