hi from the Mitten state

i don't really have anything to say today, i just feel like i should post something 'cause it's been a week and i'm tired of lookin' at that mangy cat anyway. i did hear my Mom quietly talkin' on the phone to somebody 'bout goin' away next week for FOUR days. why does she do that to me??? i mean, the Dad is fine, but he's just not my Mom and i miss her when she's gone........oh, i hear her again........she's going to some place called Tobermory. what the heck is that?????? oh, and she's goin' with her girlfriends that she goes away with every summer, they're all real old and have known each other forever........somethin' 'bout hikin' and gardens. and relaxin'. sheesh. if she wants to relax she should just stay home with ME! i'm the king of relaxin' and i'd teach her real good. if only she'd ask.......
I agree that mum's should stay home to relax with the kittie. Mum took a day off and didn't spend it with me.
Oh, what an excellent hidey spot in the Hostas.
DK is right, that's a fantastic hidey spot, Edsel. If your Mom is going to go away in spite of your protests, want me to telerport ofer and visit while she's gone? I'd love to. Or you can come over here.
your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni
Pee Ess. I don't know where that T place is either, sorry.
we think it might be somfing about girlstimes and BFFs ~The Fluffy Tribe
Momma and Daddy just pick up and leave us. Course Diane, our fav. new furriend comes and takes care of us efurryday, but still...and all.......
Boni, yes, please visit. it'll be quiet and we can hang out in the yard. i'll make sure my Mom leaves plenty of good things to eat!
Your momma will miss you too Edsel. But she needs to get away with her friends and relax her mind for awhile. When she gets back she will hug you and hold you and shower you with affection!
we agree that your mom should stay home Edsel.
Since when is hiking relaxing? It's a lotta strenuous work, if you ask us. There's nothing more relaxing than curling up with a purring cuddly kitty.
EDSEL!!! Did you see mine beans? They was in De-Troyt, an I just realized, that's in the MITTEN STATE, where you lif! They was there fur a hole week wifout me or Bonnie to tell em what to do. I fink ::gasp:: they efun petted woofies! Lemme know if you sawed them, ok?
Victor, nope, i didn't see them. i don't get out much....if i'd known they was comin' we coulda set somethin' up. if they come back, tell me ahead a time
Staying home with cat is better, I mean humanbean is not at home much in normal working days.... I do miss them when they go out~!
Hey-my mom's not so sure about that "real old" crack. So she dyes her hair & has 6 grandkids-that doesn't make her "Real Old" she says. Anyway she & the man left ME for a WHOLE week all by myself! I didn't like it one bit so i shed on all the furniture. (the man doesn't like that) but she did bring me back a present- a Zoom Groom-she had to go all the way to Kansas City to find one at a cat store. I Like it!
Jazz (the cheatin' cat)
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