Sunday, May 07, 2006
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About Me
- Name: Edsel/The Pooch
- Location: Berkley, Michigan, United States
I am in charge here. I used to weigh 17 pounds, but now I'm a lean and mean 14 pounds 'cause I have to eat prescription food. I had stones in my tummy that the doctor had to take out and now I can't eat any of the things I love that my mom used to give me like shrimp and cod. Sigh. But, I lead a pretty nice life. I'm a DLH Tuxedo with sparkly greenish yellow eyes and loooong whiskers. I'm also a member of the Tuxedo Gang.
My Friends
- A Cat's Life
- and then there were!
- Beau's Blog
- Beau & Angelicas Fur Days
- Boni Maroni
- Bonnie Underfoot and Victor Tabbycat
- Buddah Pest
- Buzzerbee and Meep
- The Calico Girls
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- Catnaps in Italy
- Catnip & Catnaps
- Catnip Anonymous
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- Derby, the Sassy Cat
- Diva Kitty and the Fluffies
- Fat Eric and Friends
- Gigolo Kitty
- Ginger the Cat
- Grr, Midnight & Cocoa
- House of the (Mostly) Black Cats
- Jasper McKitten-Cat
- Les Trois Chats
- Lone Star Purrs
- Manx MNews
- Mattingly the Cat
- Meezer Tails
- Memoirs of an Empress in Exile
- Mia and Ghost
- The Monsters: Knightly, Lizzie & Firenze
- Musette Empress of the Universe
- Oreo
- Petey
- Poi Rats and Cats
- Pretty and the Chicken
- PrincessMia
- Prince Muddy Paws
- The PsychoKitty Speaks Out
- Puff Has Spoken
- Random Drift
- Sanjee the Cat's Blog
- Scooby, Shaggy & Scout
- Skeezix's Scratching Post
- Timothy Dickens
- 2Carolina Cats
- Whippy Curly Tails
- Wild Life of a Little Monster
- William
- Zeus Excuse

I luuuuuv to get on mom's heating pad (when she gets up and it's still warm). She always moves me off of it when she comes back. This is not very good sharing, Mom! I think someone needs to go back to kindergarten.
Definitely selfish, I think you should take over the heating pad immediately.
You should get the heating pad, Edsel. Cuz we cats like snuggly places. That's enough reason!
Heating... pad...? WHY DON'T I HAVE ONE?!?!?!
First, Victor's crime is gettin blamed on me, an now I learn I've been denied localized lectric heat! Life's not fair.
OH, OH!! Mom has one of those! (Sorry Edsel but she will turn it on for me....)I WUBS it!!
Dads can be selfish sometimes. We don't have one of those in our house - MOM!!! We need one of those things! NOW! It's COLD in here. - Sammy
My mom has one of those! The only time we ever got to use it is when her back went out and left her behind. I don't know where she keeps it, though, or I'd be using it myself. And I probably wouldn't share.
The Dad here has one of them heatery pads too. It seems to me, we cats should each have one, especially in the winters! I think we need to get a petition started and take it to.......well, I don't know, offhand, where we would take it...
Your Dad should share it wif you! Did you ask him real nicely...purr purr purr?
I'm wif Boni. You should definately get the heatin pad, Edsel.
Have you tried it out Edsel? Meg really enjoys hers. It seems like it's just your size! And I don't think I've congratulated you yet on being such a hero. It was a very wonderful thing you did to save your sister, even though you think she's p**py. You are a very noble kitty!
Our Mom haves one of those too, but she always turns it off before we get to use it, though sometimes it's still warm for a little while. We thinks your Dad should share!
Last I checked, you have a back, too. What gives?
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