Saturday, April 29, 2006
Previous Posts
- ?
- i'm a hero!
- it's the berries
- fav'rite words
- the "problem"
- lovely day today!
- the state of gooses
- whew!
- ???
- baby!
About Me
- Name: Edsel/The Pooch
- Location: Berkley, Michigan, United States
I am in charge here. I used to weigh 17 pounds, but now I'm a lean and mean 14 pounds 'cause I have to eat prescription food. I had stones in my tummy that the doctor had to take out and now I can't eat any of the things I love that my mom used to give me like shrimp and cod. Sigh. But, I lead a pretty nice life. I'm a DLH Tuxedo with sparkly greenish yellow eyes and loooong whiskers. I'm also a member of the Tuxedo Gang.
My Friends
- A Cat's Life
- and then there were!
- Beau's Blog
- Beau & Angelicas Fur Days
- Boni Maroni
- Bonnie Underfoot and Victor Tabbycat
- Buddah Pest
- Buzzerbee and Meep
- The Calico Girls
- Catitude
- Catnaps in Italy
- Catnip & Catnaps
- Catnip Anonymous
- Caturday
- Crews Views
- Derby, the Sassy Cat
- Diva Kitty and the Fluffies
- Fat Eric and Friends
- Gigolo Kitty
- Ginger the Cat
- Grr, Midnight & Cocoa
- House of the (Mostly) Black Cats
- Jasper McKitten-Cat
- Les Trois Chats
- Lone Star Purrs
- Manx MNews
- Mattingly the Cat
- Meezer Tails
- Memoirs of an Empress in Exile
- Mia and Ghost
- The Monsters: Knightly, Lizzie & Firenze
- Musette Empress of the Universe
- Oreo
- Petey
- Poi Rats and Cats
- Pretty and the Chicken
- PrincessMia
- Prince Muddy Paws
- The PsychoKitty Speaks Out
- Puff Has Spoken
- Random Drift
- Sanjee the Cat's Blog
- Scooby, Shaggy & Scout
- Skeezix's Scratching Post
- Timothy Dickens
- 2Carolina Cats
- Whippy Curly Tails
- Wild Life of a Little Monster
- William
- Zeus Excuse

Go TX!
HA, The Whippy Curly Tails... natch!
We're wif WCT....GO STARS!!!!!! And go whoever is playing the wings! Momma used to werk wif a Red Wings gotted kinda ugly somtimes!
Go Oilers Go!
oh i'm just sick......
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Game 3 to 2 Oilers...
Series 3 to 3 Oilers...
Magoo does his funky hockey team winning dance...
Magoo it's not over 'til it's over! you can do as many funky dances as you want....i still believe in my boys!
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