fav'rite words
well, Timmy tagged me today 'bout my fav'rite made up words.
i only have one that's REALLY fav'rite and it's from William .

it's squillions!! i just love that word. i could say squillions
squillions of times and i wouldn't get tired of it.
squillions, squillions, squillions.
it's da bomb.
now i tag:
Boni (my Tuxedo Gun Moll) and
Dolce and
Bella (all pretty ladies!!)
Yup, squillions is a popular word that we use.
I agree! SQUILLIONS! I love it!
"Squillions" rocks!
Ha ha ha ha!
We love squillions, too! We forgot that one!
Squillions and gazillions......like a squillions raindrops and a gazillion snowflakes......
Now that it is spring, do you still call your state the mitten state Edsel???
Mom said she was to Traverse City, Michigan when she was a little wafer, before the bridge was put in and they rode a ferry cross the big waters.......
yes, our state is always the mitten state 'cause it's shaped like one - has nothin' to do with the cold. my Mom is goin' to Traverse City with her girlfriends from when she was young. they go away somewhere every summer. i don't like it one bit!
Squillions. Yes, I'm pretty sure the humans could use a new word, considering how much money they've been spending lately.
Squillions is AWESOME!
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