the "problem"

our neighbor behind us stopped by yesterday to tell us 'bout a new development. and see this woodpile? it's up, 18" off the ground. my Dad and the Mom had to do that with all our woodpiles, and we have a bunch of 'em, 'cause of the "problem." now, maybe the Poi's Mom call tell me the difference between inside ones and outside one, but apparently outside ones are not good. the ratties have come to our town. last year they were in neighboring towns and now they're here. they're sayin' we shouldn't feed the birdies (WHAT???) or put water out for the critters but i think that sounds just mean. what would all our squirrels and birds and chipmunks do???? they count on us. anyway, our neighbor called the city and they said to put out rat poison, so she did. so now there's all this poison disguised as food and my Mom is very worried and says maybe i can't go out anymore.....this is bad, very bad.....
Be very careful, Edsel! And tell your sis that too. Don't eat anything unless your mom gives it to you.
We had some mice that lived in the squillion-year-old hot tub on the patio, but when Mom made that go away, the mice went somewhere else. They were fun to watch but Mom wasn't all that excited to see them. I don't think I'd want to have rats out there, though.
All we have to say is....eeeewwwww! Hope you had a nice Easter!
Outside ratties have cooties, I think. And not fun cooties.
Yeah, you don't wanna eat the stuff she had to put out for the outside ratties. It does some permanent not so nice things to you. Inside is probably safer...
Is there no other solution??? Please be careful and don't go out without your mom.
Oh no, stay inside Edsel, and make sure that efurryone else stays inside too. I hope your squirrels and chippies don't get into the poison! - Sammy
Be efurry careful if'n you go outside Edsel. We don't want you to get sick. That stuff isn't good for poodins.
Oh Edsel! You definitely should stay in. Don't take any chances.
Oh No....that's a way worse problem than goose poop! Oh Edsel, we know how you love the outside & patrolling your property, but rats & poison just aren't good. Check the phone book under "Pied Piper". He's a dude who comes & plays a flute & leads all the vermin out of town. For real!
Oh dear Edsel! Stay safe n sound. We will stay tuned for updates. Meantime will we see indoor shots of your lovely self?
Bad,bad very careful ok! =^^=
Dear Edsel,
Sorry for your problem. STAY INSIDE! Don't eat anything unless you see your mama fix it. Hope and pray for your birdies and the squirrels. If you have squirrel friends, WARN THEM!
Outside ratties do not have their shots, do not have V-E-T-s and carry yucky sickies cause they are wild.
Take care!
your friend,
This am very disturbing. Edsel, methinks even though you am a lover of the outdoors, purrrhaps you'll have to enjoy it on a harness so that you don't accidentally eat poison. The poor aminals...
Mum wented yuck when she readed this. She used to see rats where she used to live. No good. So stay safe, hopefully the ratties will eat the poison and go away. Then maybe you can go outside again.
we're grossed out too. my Mom says she'll very neatly feed the critters on the weekends and clean up after them and put water out all week (even though we're not 'sposed to!!) and i can only go out when she's there to watch 'cause she's scared for me. sigh. it's just not fair. all our yards are neat and tidy. wonder why this had to happen?
Stay away from the poison Edsel, and warn your friends the squirrels to be careful too.
Rats? Ewww! Our dad says that we don't have any rats where we live. Or if we do they are not at the epidemic levels that they are in other places. We are lucky to be bound by three natural boundaries that seem to prevent any incursion by rats. The fourth side of the province is patrolled for any sign of rats. Believe it or not there is a 29 km (18 mile) patch of ground that is kept virtually rat-free.
that sounds impressive, but we don't know anythin' 'bout rats so it's all news to me!
Yes, Edsel be very careful of that poison or hunting an animal that may have eaten that poison. You could get very sick or worse. And rats can climb those woodpiles even off the ground. And they prefer to eat human garbage rather than the bird seeds and stuff so keep your garbage in metal trash cans. Not feeding the birds and creatures food and water won't stop the rats who have adapted to living with humans, not other creatures. THey are very resourceful. But be very careful Edsel not to eat something you shouldn't ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
This is worrisome, very troubling.....please keep us informed.
Edsel, I have an idea! Stay indoors and keep busy on the computer....TAG you're it! Come to my blog and find out what ya gotta do! ;) tee-hee...
Oh no! I'd just stay inside for now. (Of course, I'm an inside cat, so that's easy for me to say). I know Dad found a frozen rat when he was shoveling snow back when we lived in Iowa. He said there's nothing uglier than a frozen rat...
Edsel, my Michiganderiteian furiend, do as all have said. My woman says we haf mice in the shed out back an she ignores them or traps them. One year, my man went outside for the first BBQ of the year, and found a mouse nest IN the BBQ! And he didn't let me have them, he just cooked indoors.
Don't go out! If'n the poison don't get you the rat might! It's good that you put the wood up - our Dad had a rat in the wood pile last year. Now he saw a mousie in there this weekend.
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