A panda bear walks into a restaurant and orders a sandwich. When he receives the sandwich he eats it and then shoots the waiter and leaves the restaurant. A policeman sees the panda and tells him he just broke the law. The panda bear tells the policeman that he's innocent and, if he didn't believe him, to look in the dictionary. The policeman gets a dictionary and looks up "panda bear." It says, ''Panda Bear: eats shoots and leaves.'' ps: here's my poopy sister (she's not poopy now. but she was.)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mommy said that was a bad joke, but soda almost came out of her nose.
Your poopy sister is very pretty, Edsel.
Mum liked the joked, she started laughing before she even gotted to the end.
Yes, your sister looks very nice. All fuffy, not poopy.
Oh, you am good at the jokes, Edsel.....good idea that maybe you tell us some more at the napathon after the games!!!
Your poopy sister probably gets poops in her long fur, but she is lovely.
DKM - why do you want to know my Mom's fav color?
Hello Casey! You're looking good lately. Take it easy on Edsel, ok?
I bet your Mom's other favorite color is white, since she's a Tuxie fan, Edsel. hehehe My Mom laughed lots about the panda bear joke. I'm glad Casey's not poopy now. Sometimes *someone I won't name* gets poopy and it's no fun for sure.
Purrrrrrrrs and headbutts.
Did you read the book Eats, Shoots And Leaves? Get your Mom to buy you the book ASAP! It is a must for any blogging kitty.
come on GK, is that a real book?
Yes, Edsel it's a real book. Mum says she has read it.
Your sister is very pretty. Casey, we think you need to get revenge on your brother for calling you poopy. Let us know if you need help!
Edsel, that was a funny joke but you still need to be nice to your sister.
Lizzie & Firenze
You have a very beautiful sister Edsel. Of course you are the da bomb!
Mom bot that real book for her dad (a tired editor) an wants it for herself. Maybe I can buys it for her on E-Bay? Funny joke. Casey, you is a furry pretty cat.
Casey you are very fluffy and pretty. Us fluffy cats rock!!!
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