Saturday, February 25, 2006
Previous Posts
- pawspawspawspaws
- haiku and a hint
- 9 degrees
- can it join the gang?
- happy valentine's day everybody!!!
- let me know if you want tickets!
- i miss you Mom!!
- soop er bowl sunday
- my campaign slogan and promise
- Lest we forget summer.....
About Me
- Name: Edsel/The Pooch
- Location: Berkley, Michigan, United States
I am in charge here. I used to weigh 17 pounds, but now I'm a lean and mean 14 pounds 'cause I have to eat prescription food. I had stones in my tummy that the doctor had to take out and now I can't eat any of the things I love that my mom used to give me like shrimp and cod. Sigh. But, I lead a pretty nice life. I'm a DLH Tuxedo with sparkly greenish yellow eyes and loooong whiskers. I'm also a member of the Tuxedo Gang.
My Friends
- A Cat's Life
- and then there were!
- Beau's Blog
- Beau & Angelicas Fur Days
- Boni Maroni
- Bonnie Underfoot and Victor Tabbycat
- Buddah Pest
- Buzzerbee and Meep
- The Calico Girls
- Catitude
- Catnaps in Italy
- Catnip & Catnaps
- Catnip Anonymous
- Caturday
- Crews Views
- Derby, the Sassy Cat
- Diva Kitty and the Fluffies
- Fat Eric and Friends
- Gigolo Kitty
- Ginger the Cat
- Grr, Midnight & Cocoa
- House of the (Mostly) Black Cats
- Jasper McKitten-Cat
- Les Trois Chats
- Lone Star Purrs
- Manx MNews
- Mattingly the Cat
- Meezer Tails
- Memoirs of an Empress in Exile
- Mia and Ghost
- The Monsters: Knightly, Lizzie & Firenze
- Musette Empress of the Universe
- Oreo
- Petey
- Poi Rats and Cats
- Pretty and the Chicken
- PrincessMia
- Prince Muddy Paws
- The PsychoKitty Speaks Out
- Puff Has Spoken
- Random Drift
- Sanjee the Cat's Blog
- Scooby, Shaggy & Scout
- Skeezix's Scratching Post
- Timothy Dickens
- 2Carolina Cats
- Whippy Curly Tails
- Wild Life of a Little Monster
- William
- Zeus Excuse

Spring and a new Edsel pic.
We love is your sis?
A tire, really? Have you posted this story before. Mom is slow here.
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South
yes, on september 9th
Definitely a good thing! We are tired of cold and wet...
turtle, moose & nala
No real signs of spring around here. Lots of snow on the ground. But the daylight times is really getting long. Mum says she hears the birdies singing more tho. Says that is a good sign too.
Same as Derby (Mom says he's pretty close to us). Victor has finally noticed the birds outside and is likely to bounce himself off a window or two. That will be funny to see.
Yesss! Finally! I can't wait for spring!
Hold that springtime thought cuz there is NO spring here, evil white stuff falling from the heavens!!
Gonna be cold here this week. Don't think anythings coming up yet.
Funny, it's finally got cold here. We had "spring" til mid February, then it turned cold. Weird. I'm glad you're gettin spring tho, Edsel! I finally got the staff to pick up the "White", so I'll be getting your White Russian to you real quick now! Silly staff said she wanted to pick up the Russian skater tho, but I told her you didn't want any Russian in your drink.
Dearest Edsel,
Please send the spring my way.....20 degrees.........bbbbrrrr
That is a nice picture of you, Edsel. We have got crocuses and hellebores and snowdrops in flower here. The daffodils have got buds on but aren't out yet. My auntie lives in Cornwall which is further south-west and their spring is further on that ours, her daffs have been out since Christmas.
boni, please, no Russian skaters, we would have no place to put him, he'd have to stay in MY room and that would be very bad
We have weeds!
Oh wait, we *always* have weeds.
There are tenacious little flowers poking their heads through our soil, too! Mom says they must be very hearty to begin sprouting when the weather is still FREEZING...
edsel, will you sign my anti-bath petition?
Edsel - thank you so much for the compliments on my toes for the pawtraits. Mom hopes bloggy will accept pictures soon so she can post some of us up.
Have you gotten a pet yet Esdel? ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
I told Mom no Russian skaters for sure, that I'd be a bad Tuxedo Gun Moll if I let her send one of those. I told her she can have one herself tho as long as she only plays with him when we don't need her for staff duties. She mumbled somethin about that would be never, so I don't think she's going to get a skater. Whew! She is going to figure out how to send the "white" tho. That or I'll have to drag it up to the mitten state myself and that may take way too long. Wish her luck on that!!
no pet, and i'm not happy 'bout it. i may have to just catch my own when the weather warms up!
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