why paint cats?

some of you may have already seen this book. it's the 2nd in a series. the first one is "Why Cats Paint" and it's 'bout cats who paint pictures and MAKE MONEY! this one is 'bout crazy beans who paint their cats! why anyone would want to deface one of God's most beautiful creatures by paintin' it, i don't know.
'cept for the ones down there.

i'm tryin' to talk my Mom into puttin' moons and stars on me 'cause i think it would be waaay cool, but so far she won't do it. somethin' 'bout cats and bleach just can't be a good combination, whatever that means. plus she says i'm too wiggly to try somethin' like this, but i'll keep workin' on her.
Aw Edsel, you am most handsome just the way you are.
We girls would like pierced ears. Little diamond studs.....Mom thinks painting our nails a good idea, but we won't sit still long enough either, we am wiggly....
If mom did tried doing that to me, I think I'd have to bite her. I'm good looking just the way I am!
We don't know why anyone would want to paint a kitty BLUE. Moons and stars are cool, but we couldn't sit still for that eifer. You am most handsome just the way you are Edesl - you have nice fluffly long fur.
Edsel, you're just purrfectly handsome the way you are! You don't need no stars and moons. Bleach smells bad anyways. I know from when Mom spilled it in the bafroom. Ick. You don't wanna smell like that! It might make your nose turn inside out or somethin nasty like that.
We kitties are good looking without painting or special effects. We are the sun, moon and stars.
If it's shrimp flavored paint, I might allow that...
That's purrty, but no way am I sitting still for that!
Maybe you could try moon and star shaped stickers. If you didn't like them, think how much fun you could have trying to get them off!
We think that's just goin' too far! I wouldn't want to be blue...
~ moose
I got a couple of questionable tattoos when I was a kitten and running with a tough gang, but paint on a cat?
;) Some things just cross the line...
ooh, kukka, what kinda tatoos??
I am not sure about this. Although the moon and stars kitties do look sort of cool. Did I ever tell you about the time I got dyed blue all over my neck? I was partially blue for a month, my mum kept laughing at me which was very unfeeling. Never again.
eric, how did you get a blue neck???
No way.
Only with computer software.
My tattoos aren't visible now...I got them when I had a mohawk haircut in the early years. They are embarrassing proof of my youthful rebellion.
My rebellion now can hardly be called "youthful..."
You are such a handsome kitty, you don't need no spec 'ffects! Just you being you is spec'l!
Eeep! No dyeing! Stick on tats are the way to go. If you want earings, try clip-ons. They look fabulous on kitties.
so bad ...don´t like it! I´m irritate with them! =^^=
Oh, ummm, paintin' cats . . . doesn't seem like very much fun for the cat!
Not going to happen to us! Mom would have to really hold us down and even then we would wiggle enough to mess up the paint.
Oh the indignity of painting a butterfly on a cat's face! But I do like the stars and moons.
I like the stars and moons. How do they do it?
Princess Mia - the stars and moons on the black they do with bleach. i guess they make little templates and brush the bleach on with a brush. my Mom says until she can figure out how to hold me real still and make sure i won't LICK the bleach (yuk) she won't even consider doing it....
Our Mom has that book and she loves it. We would like to be painted too, but so far no such luck. Let us know if you have any with your Mom and painting. Have you gotten your pet yet? ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
merlin, shadow and ko ko - NO,i haven't gotten a pet yet, and i don't like it one bit. i do have a cool picture of a mongoose that my My took in Hawaii....hey, could you SEND me a pet?????
Edsel, I did have to go to the V-E-T but nobody poured me anywhere and I only got stabbed once. So I'm ok . :)
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