yup, it's true. Spring has Sprung here in the Mitten state. I'm all tired out from helpin' out in the yard doin' 'mportant things (i mostly snoopervised, but the Dad needed a lot of that).below, are two of our pretty trees. my Mom doesn't know what kind they are. a few years ago the city was sellin' trees for $50 each. they would even come out and plant 'em as long as you let them put them on the "city strip" between the sidewalk and the street. Mom and the Dad said that was fine. they was all kinda small back then, but they've turned into fine trees, don't you think? The pink one is one the side street that runs next to our house (we're on a corner) and the white one is right in front, with the house across the street in the background. i like them, but 'cause i can't get out to visit either one of them, they're not my favorite. my Mom cut some lilacs today and brought them in, they smell real pretty. the lily of the valley are going to bloom this week she said.
my Mom went to a "gold party" at her friend Denise's sisters house the other night. people come with gold jewlery that they don't wear anymore and gold fillings and gold coins. and this guy with a bag of money comes and weighs everything and gives each person green papers for their gold. my Mom was happy with what she got. she said it will pay for the little trips she's goin' to take this summer.
and she's really 'acited 'bout her trips, i'll tell you 'bout them later.
my Mom is makin' an icky dinner today. marinated flank steak with mushrooms and rice and corn on the cob. she keeps tellin' me how wonderful this corn is, "bicolor from Florida" whatever that means. I'd rather have cod. but i think I heard her say she has a fresh package of that and will make me a piece, so I forgive her the icky dinner she's makin' for them to eat.
we have very fussy birds in our yard. they eat the thistle in the finch feeder half way down, then won't eat anymore. my Mom checks it and it's not wet or moldy or anything. so she'll fill it up, they attack the food, and eat it half way down. my Mom went out today and filled the birdbaths too, 'cause they seem very thirsty. my Mom is nice like that.
well, i gotta go out and check on the Dad. he's got his big rock saw out and is cuttin' stuff and he needs to be snoopervised 'cause it's a pretty big saw and my Mom worries he's gonna cut somethin' off and bleed to death if we don't check on him often enough.HAPPY SPRING!!!!