my Mom came home real early 'cause she had to go to the eye doctor and they put some kinda drops in her eyes and she looked like an OWL when she got home. she said she couldn't see very good so she just sorta hung around, let me outside and stuff. then, i came in to see how she was doin' and she FREAKED OUT. it seems i had some very large burrs in my tail, see over there. (that one burr i pulled out myself with a buncha tail fur too!! ) anyway, she didn't want me chewin' them out 'cause they were huge and really sharp, but i hissed at her and swatted at her with my claws when she tried to get them outta my tail. (i'm sorry, Mom, i just don't like it when you yank on stuff in my fur) i think i mighta hurted my tongue a little 'cause it's a little hard to eat. my Mom looked at and says she'll keep an eye on it and if it doesn't get better real quick, i have to go to see dr. Cindy. sigh. NOTE: my tongue is fine. it's saturday and i don't have to go to the Dr. whew.
look at what the Dad did to our woodpiles
he used big slabs of wood, i think walnut wood, to make them very pretty. he's always doin' stuff like that.oh, and my Mom said bad words today. she was installin' somethin' called an external hard drive on the computer 'cause the old one died. she still doesn't know if the geek guys at Best Buy can "recover the data", whatever that means and she's real worried she lost all her pictures of ME! (i agree, that would be awful!!). anyway, she had to call tech support twice and be on hold for a way long time. both times she got very nice people from India who helped her. the first time was a man. the second time was a woman who didn't speak English very well and my Mom said if she had more hair she woulda been pullin' in out. but, she did get the hard drive installed and it works, so we're happy. it was kinda funny. the directions said "using the 22 inch USB cord included in the package......)" the one in the package was 'bout 3 inches long and has different ends than what we have......that was one tech support call. they're gonna send the 22 inch one.
anyway, i'm glad it's friday. my Mom said she's tired and we're going to bed early tonight. YEA, more time to cuddle on her neck for me. life is good.