my Mom snapped at me!!

my Mom got cross with me and i didn't do anything!! it was the collar eatin' black hole in the back yard! my Mom came home from the grocery store and i didn't have my collar on. she asked the Dad if he took it off and he said no. knowin' that they're both gettin' some memory problems from bein' old, she looked around and didn't see it, so SHE BLAMED ME!! it was my nice sparkly collar with my professionally made black tag and she was unhappy. so she put on my collar with the diamonds that came from the Big Piney woods and took me out to look for it. and guess what???!!! the black hole didn't get it! it was on the ramp from the kitty door. when i went out the door, it musta gotten caught and the safety latchy thingy came apart. whew. my Mom hugged my and 'pologized for blamin' me! i'm glad i have my collar back, i hate losin' stuff.
Arh...that's unfair! It wasn't your fault.
Nevermind, you did get hugs after that.
beans like to blame first and then find out the real truth. sorry you gotted snapped at. get hre to make you some cod to make up for it.
That's a lovely collar. Glad your bean realized her mistake in time.
Good thing you found out about the collar so you wouldn't get blamed. It's a cool collar too.
your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni
That is one awesome collar! The Giggy is all jealous.
Hmmmppff! Right away they blame us for things. If they'd just look around, they might find the answer.
Obviously you were not at fault here Edsel.
That is the purtiest collar we have efur seen! And.....we know your Momma luvs you, lots!
That's such an awesome collar I'd hate to lose one like that too. Good fing you got it back.
Hi Edsel, just stopping by to say hello. I am glad you found your collar again. It is furry sparkly. I used to wear one but I kept breaking it, now I do not have one. I never go out except with my humans so I probably don't really need one.
We like the collar with the bling, but isn't that the one your man said makes you look gay? Whatever.
We don't know what is going on with the blog. We think we will take a poll to figure out who sees what when it comes up. Some see it as normal.
Hi Edsel! I took my collar off a couple days ago and hid it. My beans can't find it and I'm not telling. But it's not as pretty as yours.
sometimes things just walk off on their own, we keep trying to explain this to our Mom too ~The Fluffy Tribe
It's good to know that the collar breaks away so you don't get choaked it you get stuck on something. It's so pretty it looks like a diamond necklace. Very nice!
Hey, Edsel, I nominated you for a Nice Matters Award. Come see my blog for 09/13!
WHEW - good thing you found it!
P.S. - we has tagged you fer a meme . . . come see whut to do
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