it's my Gotcha Day!!

i'm very proud to say that it was ten years ago today that i found my Mom and she found me. until then, life was hard. i was stayin' with a lady who had lotsa other poodins and she was helpin' all of us find our forever homes. so that day she put me and my sister and brother in her truck and we drove to a Pet Supply Plus place and got put in cages out front. there was lotsa traffic and noise and i was very, very scared. before i knew it, tho, a nice lady was scratchin' under my chin and talkin' to the other lady. i knew somethin' was up. all of a sudden, i was being lifted out of the cage and put in a scary lookin' suitcase thing - i found out later that is was a cat carrier. the new lady drove me somewhere and took me inside. she put me in a room by myself 'cause there was an awful cat who tried to kill me!!! (i found out later that it was poopy Casey). but the lady visited me all the time and brought me food and toys and even let me sleep with her at night. right on her head! i learned to love her so much, right away. and my Mom and i have been together ever since. thanks Mom! you coulda picked another poodin, but you didn't, you picked ME! that picture on the top is me when i was little with my nice sister, Kirby, who's at the Rainbow Bridge now. the one on the bottom is just little me!
Happy Gotcha Day, Edsel! I'm so glad your mom found you. And looking back at baby pictures, it's hard to believe we were ever the little, huh? You were one tiny cutie.
Happy Gotcha Day Edsel. I can see how your mom picked you out - you were the cutest little kitten!
Happy Gotcha Day! What a darling little wee one you were (and still are). You look so bright eyed and happy. What a special day that was for both of you!!
Happy Gotcha Day Edsel. We are so happy that you and your mum found each other. You were a cutie pie when you were young. Now a nice handsome Mancat.
Happy Gotcha Day. My Mommy's eyes got leaky when she read your story. It's great that you and your
mom found each other.
Happy Gotcha Day!! Maybe your Mom will let you bring in lighty bugs tonight? We can't go owt...yet. Momma sez that there are chiggers or sumfing that is bitey in the yard and doesn't want them in owr furs. We fink that she's just trying to have all the fun!
~Meeko and Kiara
You don't at all look like a girl to me! How did anyone ever get it confused? Oh well.
Happy Anniversary, Baby!!
Awwwww, what a cutie! Happy Gotcha Day!
Happy Gotcha Day! Edsel!
What a cute kitten you were!
Sorry we missed your big day Edsel. 10 years is quite an accomplishment. Congratz!
Happy Gotcha Day Edsel! I'm so sorry I missed it. :( I'll try to be better catching up.
Purrrrrrrrrs n kittykisses,
your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni Maroni
Congratulations on your 10th gotcha day. FAZ
Happy Gotcha Day!
You were a cute wittle kitty!
Sorry we missed your gotcha day! You sure were a cute liddle baby!
Happy Belated gotcha day Edsel! You were such a cutie and of course you still are a cutie! You have a wonderful mom who picked you. Did Casey learn to love you over time?
oh Edsel, we is sorry we is late but Happy Gotcha Day!!
Oh Edsel, it's pretty easy to see why she picked you! You are so cute! Cogratulations on your 10th Gotcha Day!
Happy Gotcha Day Edsel. You sure were a cute kitten! I'm glad you found your Mom and she found you.
my Edsel, how tiny you were. You are lucky you and yer Mom found each other. We are living in New Mexico now. How is yer Moms head? We are tryin' to catch up on all our bloggin furriends now that we have the commpoooper more often ~The Fluffy Tribe
Happy belated Gotcha Day! I can't believe how little and tiny and squishy you were. I'm glad your mommy picked you.
Even tho they bug you sometimes, sisters can be cool. I'm an only kitty and it can get lonely....
Anyway, I hope you got lotsa toys, treats and snuggles today!
Edsel, I's sorry we missed yur Gotchaday! Mom an Dad wented on bacation an camed home tired an busy. We's still catchin up on blogs!
Anywho, you sure was ADORABLE as a kitten! Yur furry handsome now, too.
Happy Gotchaday, good furiend!
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