nice day again
well. because the mysterious collar stealer is at work again, my silver collar that i've been wearin' has disdapeered. i have my gorgeous blue collar with diamonds on it on. i got it from the Calico Girls and i love it lots. my Dad says it looks sissy, but i don't think so. the one my Mom bought me a couple weeks ago with white and pink sequins is sissy! my Mom tried and tried to get a good picture of me in my diamond collar, but my fur covers it so unless you get just the right angle, it's hard. you'll just have to believe me that it's gorgeous!

we want to say thanks to everybody for all your good wishes and thoughts and prayers for my Moms head. she probly won't start the raydiashun for a couple of weeks, but all the good vibes help us a lot. a real lot.
we got a stupid chickhen in the oven. why don't they fix fish more often. after all, it's supposed to be brain food and my Mom could probly use that.......
It's a nice picture of you even if we can't see the collar, Edsel. You are looking very alert too!
Edsel, all collars must look loverly on you since you are so purty. We just heard about yur Mom and we am sending lots of bright healing thots. Tell her to send out positive thots as well and they will return.
Edsel, I agree that diamonds can look good on a mancat. We are allowed to have our bling.
Lots of continuing purrs to your mum.
Derby's right--bling is good! And chicken's good, too. Did you get a taste?
Oh Edsel, you are efur so handsome and Momma really likes the word disdapeered, it made her smile a lot. I have trouble with collars too. I can take them off, and they don't show cuz of all my furs. Special purrs to your Momma........
i bet any of the collars you have or had looked great. anything would look're so handsome!
extra purrs to your momma. please stick close to her!
Hi Edsel. I just read about your Mom and I'm so sorry she has to go through that. We'll all be purraying for her and your Dad and you. Are you sure you don't know where your silver collar is hiding?
Edsel, diamonds are good for you. You can sell them if you ever had to go on the lam again, for instance. I agree about the fish, though. Beans need to eat more fish so we can share!
Purrrrrrrrrrrs and headbumpies,
your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni
Hi Edsel, thought I would stop by and meet you. I was trying to use that little hand that appears on the picture to move your fur up to see your pretty collar, but it didn't work.
Mom heard that your Mom needs some prayer and she likes to pray for people, so purrs and prayers going up for you, your Mom and rest of the family. God Bless.
Casper and group
Edsel, bling is a good fing - it turns on the ladies!!!
chick-hen is good - 'cept if you gets it too often.
I wonder who the mysterious collar thief could be. I just read about your Mom. I'm sorry she has to go through radiation therapy. I will be sending her good thoughts and hoping and praying for her. Enjoy your nice Spring.
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