a whole year

well, it was a year ago today when we found out that my Mom had somethin' wrong in her head. sure has been a strange year. she wanted me to tell all of you how much she has 'preciated all the prayers and good wishes and emails and cards that so many of you have sent. it all helps to make us feel not so bad. plus, we're here this year, enjoyin' a lovely Spring in the Mitten state, and that's a good thing. it's almost memorial day and i know a lot of us will be plantin' and barbequeing, so enjoy! we love you guys!
Wow...a year. I hope it hasn't been too hard of a year on her and that she's doing ok. We think about her a lot.
We love your Momma and we love you too, Edsel, oh, yes and Casey and your Daddy, can't forget them!
All of us and Momma too!
Some years are hard. We know you have been bein a good kitty to try an help your Momma feel better.
This is a good time of year to get outside. Weve been watchin The Big Thing puttin plants in the ground. They don't look like much now, but they'' be great to sit unner when it gets hot outside soon.
Purrs to Edsel's mum
Wow a whole year! Your mum has been through a great deal and continues to go through the treatments. We continue to send purrs to your mum and all of you! Be strong.
we luvs ya too Edsel ~poiland tribe
Your mom's very brave and very special. And you've done an excellent job in taking care of her, Edsel!
I tagged you Edsel, play ifn yu wants.
Purrs to your mom and you for the strength it takes to get through this. We wish we could come hug both of you.
Edsel, that picture could be on a cat calendar, or greeting card!
Edsel, we loves you and your momma too. We purray for her efurry night when we says our purrayers.
That would have been a nice Mancat Monday picture. You look good with that geranium and we love your white ear tufts! Best wishes to your family.
The Crew
best of luck dear. i'm starting a new blog about cats at:
added ur link there. check it out!
would appreciate if u reciprocate :)
We love you too!
It doesn't seem like it could be a whole year. I'm sending lots of hugs and good wishes to your Mom. Here's to a better year to come.
What a year your family has had. We hope that things are better for you this year.
BTW: that is a very beautiful picture of you, Edsel!
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