it's almost Monday

my Mom says "where does the time go so quickly??" I say "well, stay home from work" then she gives me all kinda reasons why she can't do that, most of which involve makin' green papers. sigh.
This is stuff that got snowed on last week. It melted, but it's snowin' right now. i don't like it. my Mom opened the porch door so I could go outside, but it made my feet all wet and cold so I came back in.
my Mom says that Santa Cat will be comin' in a few weeks, so that's kinda 'citin'. i asked if we could put the tree up, but she said not yet. i said I thought it was time but she said the Dad doesn't like to put it up this early. oh well, I tried. I checked with my Mom to see if she has anythin' much planned over the hollydays and she said no, that she was plannin' on spendin' as much time as she can with me!!!! WoW, I can't wait!
Tomorrow is december 1st. Hope everybody has a great month! Be good so Santa Cat will come to your house!!