goin' away again

well, she's off again. this trip is with her friends she's known a very long time that they take every summer. they've been to Stratford and Niagara Falls and Tobermory on the Bruce Penninsula. this year they're goin' to Ohio. why, I'm not sure. only for a few days, she'll be back on Sunday, so that's good.
since i don't get to go, i can only look at what's already happened. this beautiful picture is the Big Piney Woods house. look at all the pretty fowlers! my Mom said one of the most interesting things is that they don't have a furnace. they heat with a wood stove and a backup heater. with all that snow! maybe it acts like a blanket and keeps 'em warm?
well, bye Mom, have a good time. i'll miss you. again............