well. i am so glad Balentines Day is over. usually the Dad goes to the place where you get cards and gets me a card to give my Mom. he knows my legs are too short to reach the pedals in the van and that i can't see over the steering wheel. but he didn't do that this year. i was so 'mbarassed that i didn't have a Balentine for my Mom. when it was time to go to bed that night, we have a routine. we go upstairs 'bout an hour before she wants to go to sleep. she gets all comfy sittin' up in bed and makes a space for me to sit, leanin' on her leg, and she rubs my tummy and neck and we read a book. but that night i was so 'mbarassed, that when she said "pooch, where are you?" i didn't jump up. finally she called me enough that i couldn't ignore her and jumped up. i started to try to apologize, but you know what happened? she leaned over and kissed my head and rubbed my tummy and said "i have been looking forward to this all day. you are my best Balentine Boy - i love you so much." and she just rubbed and rubbed my tummy. i was so happy she wasn't mad at me.....i guess presents and cards aren't always so important. the connection that we have with each other is what really counts. so even 'tho i didn't give my Mom anything at all, she said i gave her the best thing that i could have - my love.
I am in charge here. I used to weigh 17 pounds, but now I'm a lean and mean 14 pounds 'cause I have to eat prescription food. I had stones in my tummy that the doctor had to take out and now I can't eat any of the things I love that my mom used to give me like shrimp and cod. Sigh. But, I lead a pretty nice life.
I'm a DLH Tuxedo with sparkly greenish yellow eyes and loooong whiskers. I'm also a member of the Tuxedo Gang.