i'm just lazy

Oreo and his Mom emailed to ask if i was okay 'cause i haven't blogged in a while. i'm sorry, i've just been kinda lazy. my Mom's been busy and i haven't bugged her enough to make her help me, so no updates. anyway, there is nothin' excitin' to report. the yard is startin' to look the Spring. the birdies are comin' back, the chipmunks are crazy and the windows have been open. ahhhhhh, nice fresh air! Happy Spring!!
You look so cute, Edsel.....as usual...
Momma said it was 63 and sunny today...Well we knew it was sunny, but didn't know it gotted so warm.
Glad you are just chillin' out Edsel. It is nice to have the windows open again.
we is glad efurryfing is ok. it's ok to be chilled out.
I'm glad to know you're OK 'cuz I was getting worried too. Happy Spring right back at ya!
Great napping spot Edsel!
Give your mom a scratchy tongue kiss from all of us.
It's good to see you. You're looking furry handsome.
Glad you're okay!! ALWAYS good to hear from you!! WE MISS YOU!! Have you joined the new tuxedo gang yet??? Email Oreo or me to join!
Can't wait to see some pics of you exploring in your garden/yard.
Happy Spring, Edsel!! Glad to see efurrything is ok wif you.
Finny & buddy
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