is this the calm before the storm or after the storm?
hi, this is my Mom and the Dad a couple days before her operashun. she looks kinda different now. at first, it looked like a truck ran over her head and then somebody tried to finish her off with a baseball bat. now, she just looks like the baseball bat part. she has an important dr. appt. tomorrow and then we'll have a better idea of what's going to happen. considering she had a BIG operashun, tho, she feels really good and is just happy to be here with me and the Dad.
she'll do this herself later, but i just want to tell all of you how important it was that so many of you took the time to pray and send cards and emails. it made my Mom cry, but they were sparkly, happy tears, not grey sad ones. thanks. from the bottom of my heart. you guys are the best.