let me know if you want tickets!

everybody 'specially William will
prob'ly want to be here March
10th thru 12th to see Twiggy. i'm gonna invite him over to my house.
maybe William can bring Mrs.
Squirrel and we can ALL play canasta!
check out this link about Twiggy
LOL. Is this for real?
All kitties must be going crazy looking at this.
Cover William's eyes!
The Whippy's Mom!
Twiggy was her in Wissyconsin a few weeks ago. They kepted playing this on the new. BORING but true. But one time the old Twig did fall off and getted all wet. Hehehehe.
He was already here a while back but I didn't get to go.
I've never seen such a thing! I'm there!
My squirrels don't ski, but they do like to play all kinds of parlor games. Mrs. Squirrel really likes to play Scrabble, too, but she says I get too distracted by the tiles. So we haven't played that since I kinda got excited and chewed on one of those high-score letters.
Hope to see HIM at the beach!
How does one play canasta? Can I come?
TAG! You're it Edsel!!
You've been 'ficially tagged by me, Timmy! Now you have to go to the secret paw page...click the comments under the latest post and find out who you have to tag!
I read the headline and as the picture downloaded I was totally hoping it would be a picture of you holding up your arms making muscles. :) You know, tickets to the "gun show."
We wouldn't pay money to see any squirrels. We have so many in our yard that torment us and raid our birdie feeders. We hate them almost as much as chipmunks!
Intriguing but Mom's going to be in Aff-ree-ka then, so we won't be able to go.
I knew squirrels were crafty, clever creatures, but I didn't know they had mastered water travel. That's one more point for you, squirrels, but cats are still winning.
do you think he tastes good??
ullrick - my sister likes chipmunks which are very similar to squirrels, plus my Mom's friend Pattie says that her Mom used to eat squirrel pie when she was growing up, so i think the answer is "yes"!
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