quiet day

it's snowin' and cold, just what you would expect at the end of january in the mitten state. i keep askin' my Mom "why don't we live somewhere sensible, like aryzona or california?" everything i hear 'bout those states doesn't include snow. or cold. i really can't complain, it's not like i'm outside all the time. but on a day like today when my Mom is home, she lets me go in the yard. but crap, who wants to go out there when it's all cold and i get snow between MY TOES???? sigh. maybe they'll decide to move. until then, i just look out the windows on the back porch and watch the birds and squirrels do whatever they want 'cause i'm not out there to keep them in line.
other than complainin' 'bout the cold, we're all okay, and we have to be thankful for that. my Mom has soup cookin' on the stove and it smells good and the house is warm. i'm gonna go nap, then go over and read the latest installment of Dolce's Dad's story.
Best thing to do is find a warm place to nap, Edsel. At least it looks like you have some sunshine.
Stay inside and stay warm. I don't go outside and gets snow in my toes.
Mum went yum to homemade soup. She needs to start dinner soon.
That is such a nice sunny room, even if the sun isn't shining, Edsel. Momma says January is almost over and February is short and March is spring! YEAH......Mistrie says double yeah!!
The best kind of day to stay close by your mom and snuggle.
Did your mom make that stained glass, Edsel? It's very pretty.
william - yes, my Mom made the stained glass. she took a class and was all excited 'bout doin' glass but then she had the health problems last year. she told me she hopes to start doin' it again soon. i hope so, cause it's real pretty.
Brrrrrrrrr! Snow between the toes doesn't sound good. I'm furry glad you're a sensible Tuxie gangster, Edsel. Well, sensible enough not to freeze your toesies off! hehe Your Mom's stained glass is furry purrty. I hope she can start doin it again soon. Then my Mom says she'll hafta come visit so she can learn from her. That'd be kinda cool cuz I could come too. hehe
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs n luv paws,
Your Tuxie Gun Mall Boni
Edsel if yous gys move, will you come lives neer me so I can see Casey?!?!?!?!
The Woman says living in CA is nice, but it's verrrrrry expensive. I dunno what she's complaining about, she's got all MY money...
Hi Edsel,
Owr Maw also said "Yum" to homemade soup. It is efen cold here in Dallas and it SNOWED here today. We are ready fur summer kinda.
Stay warm!
Luf, Us
Our Mom says soup is the best part of cold days. We don't haf those here like you do there Edsel, but she still makes soup if it rains or gets even a little chilly ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Hope you are finding good ways to keep warm. We like to sleep in front of the radiator! Spring will be here soon....right?
Opus and Roscoe
Hi Edsel
Yu look mighty handsome there by da window. That snow is purrty to look at, but I hasta to agree wif yu it's no fun to go out in.
We nefurs has snow here. Well nearly nefur...da last time it snowed her I wasn't even thought of. It was 1989. I wasn't born until 1999! So I has nefur seen it 'cept in pixchurs.
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