stayin' warm

well, here in the Mitten state it's been a cruddy week. the sun is out today and it's 22 degrees right now, but earlier in the week it was scary!! it got real, real icy and big tree bits were fallin' all over the place! one of our bits fell in our neighbors driveway and we had to hire a chainsaw guy to get it out so he could get his car outta the car house. at night the wind would howl and my Mom and i would just lay there and listen to big tree bits hit the house and fly all around, hopin' nothin' would get hurt. and we'll all ok (whew!)
hope everybody is okay out there, 'specially my Tuxedo Gun Moll Boni (~~wavey, hi Boni~~).
today, i'm snoopervisin' (haha, that's Buddah's word!) the yard!
Oh, Edsel, we are so glad you are safe. We heard on the nuws about the terrible icy stuff, that is worse than the white stuff.
What is with all of the icy stuff this year. The mitten state should get snow like Whiskerconsin. Stay safe.
Ice! Yuck! I liked it better whin da wevver was weerd and it felted like sping outside.
::waveys to her Tuxie Gangster:: Hi Edsel! Yes, I am safe, fanks for asking! Mom's keeping us all inside safe and warm. (Not that I'd go out anyway; I like it inside with my staff.) Please be careful patrolling the yard there. Don't get bonked by any ice or tree bits! And keep your Mom warm. Taking a nap and snuggling up with a Mom sounds like a great idea. Maybe I'll go see if my Mom wants a nap now, or maybe I should telerport over and have a nap with you and your Mom. That sounds even better. I'll do that!
Boni Maroni
Stay warm Edsel!
Edsel the edible. Hmmm. What a title for such a cute kitty (as in, oh you're so cute I could eat you up). I suppose only a girl kitty could really like it for her boykittyfriend, so Boni must be pleased.
you sure are handsome sittin' there! we're glad you survived the scary wind. we had big winds too but nothing got damaged. actually, it broke off lotsa avocados from the ginormous tree in the front and my mom got a couple dozen of 'em.
Doens't get really cold on yer tushy to sit on that snow like that? I remember snow, and it felt like getting bit on the foot to step on it. Snow is evil.
Looks like you found a nice clean spot of log to sit on. I know that's where I would be until Dad came and carried me back inside because I remember my one pounce in the snow and it was COLD!
Edsel what a gorgeous picture of you! It's like those we see in the cat calendars! Nap....what a good idea!
Max - i don't mind sittin' on it so much (i got a lot of fur back thre) but walkin' on it can be kinda hurty
We're very glad and relieved to hear you didn't get all squashed by falling tree bits. That would have been very bad!
Hi Edsel
The snow and ice and falling bits of trees sounds quite scary. I am glad you are OK. We had a big wind storm last week but not a flake of snow yet this winter. But it is cold!
Yu are lookin mighty handsome sitting up there watching ofur yur back yard.
it's cold cold cold here too. stay warm furriend!
We ist glad u haf a winter coat on cuz itz bery cold der.
Luf, Us
Brrr you look cold Edsel ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO
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