i'm so embarassed
clearly my idea of a "pimped up" name was not in synch with your ideas. i wanted to have a "cool" name, something that portrayed my badness. but, my Mom says you, my friends, obviously don't see me that way. and, as i opened up the forum to "vote", i have to go with what the majority rule is. so, my official "pimped up" name is:
Delicious Edsel Beautiful
i think i will go outside and hide (it's more like a "wimped up" name.......)
It's the price you pay for being beautiful........
my Mom is laughing.....
(plus, i'm a guy....)
I think your name is fine. You don't have to have a pimpy name. Edsell fits you just wonderfully.
edsel, you're a fine example of feline pulchritude no matter WHAT you're called. *wink* *wink* *wink*
but good heavens, what is that behind you?? it looks like a vishus deer! do the vishus deer see it and go away 'cause they think your place is already deerified? pretty clever!
Awwww we like your pimped up name Edsel. Just stick Reverend Doctor in front of Delicious Edsel Beautiful and there you go if you want one more "street" sounding. Reverend Doctor Delicious Edsel Beautiful there ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO
Well, maybe if you put the Beautiful in front? Nah, I'm sorry but it sounds silly no matter what you do to it. Sorry man.
You have to be what you have to be and you am Delicious Edsel Beautiful. Don't hide. It's a deelicious name!
Momma says you should choose the name you like, Edsel.....after all, it is your name.
Patches & Mittens - i thought that too, but my Mom says that when you ask other poodins for their opinions then ignore them, that would be rude. sigh....
I think the girls swayed the vote. I say you should have a boy only vote. So around the girls you could go by D.E.B. and around the boys you could go by something else.
But really, it's not a bad name. At least it hasn't got fru-fru words in it and stuff.
thank you William for your kind words. your name is pretty cool, mine is just...wimpy...but you're right, it's the kind of thing girls like
I luvs you no matter what your called, Edsel! You'll always be a tough tuxie gangsta to me!
Your Tuxie Gun Moll Boni
Hahahahaahahaha! I haven't visited your blog for awhile Edsel, so I'm gald I got here for this post. Yes you are beautiful, but I think "delicious" is a term better used for mice.
it's not wimpy ta be deliciously beautiful...effun if you're a guy. if it attracts the babes, isn't that what's important?
oh Edsel, we is sorry. I fink we voted for a different name for you. Well, the girls might like it!
You've got a real cool name...and it's nice when your gun moll calls you dee-licious, isn't it?
It's not the name the counts, but the cat behind the name...and you're so loved!!
Beautiful or handsome...what's the diff? You're still Edsel...loved by all.
On a more serious note, we donated a check to Brandi a while back and later sent a box of food, litter, treats, etc. But we'll tell Mom it's time to send again. Thanks for being such a good friend and reminding us!
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