Saturday, July 01, 2006


hi everybody. we're sorry we haven't been postin' much, but with my Mom not feelin' real good, it's hard for me to get on the computer. but, she's feelin' stronger each day and we wanted to give you a "heads up."

the noo-ro-surgeon operated on my Mom and took out as much of the bad stuff as he could. now she's takin' pills to make her better. her doctors say she's got a really good chance of bein' a-ok so that's what we're gonna work toward.

my Mom wants to say somethin:

well. during this past month and a half i have found out what an amazing bunch of people ( and kitties) you all are. the number of you who have sent cards and emails and have posted and prayed is truly unbelievable. you are very special and whatever happens to me, i will always be grateful that i had the chance to find that out. i believe that the more positive vibes that are swirling around out there the better, and you all have contributed to that in a mind boggling way. i thank you all.

i do not want this blog to be about me, it's about my wonderful buddy Edsel, so after today, we're back to him as the focus - which is what it should be. there are several of you who I'm communicating with, and it seems you have some underground network set up, so feel free to share info about me if you wish. again, bless you all.


Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

We are glad you are on the mend!Take your pills like a good girl and they won't have to use the piller contraption on you. xxxooo

1:59 PM  
Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I never thought of the piller thingy....they shoot them pills back in your froat. Momma could never get them to work on us.

We are so glad you are feeling better and are on the mend. We all loves you!!!

Patches Lady
Mittens Pollypaws
Mistrie Rose
CalicoMom Toni

2:10 PM  
Blogger PrincessMia said...

We are happy to hear that you are on the bend. Take good care and we will be sending getwell vibes.

love & purrs
Mia + Beans

2:56 PM  
Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

We are so glad that you are on the mend. That pill thing doesn't sound good to us, but if they makes you all better, then you better take them! :-)
We loves you much Edselsmom!
Sammy, Miles, Trixie and Meezer Mom Mary

2:57 PM  
Blogger Zeus said...

We're very happy to hear you received great news. Hopefully, you'll be back to feeling like your old self in no time.

Sending you healing purrs,

Zeus and Isis

3:28 PM  
Blogger Lone Star Purrs said...

Yea!! Glad to hear that you're feeling better efurry day! We'll keep up the prayes for speedy healing.
::purrs & headbutts::
~Meeko, Kiara, & Momma Becca

3:49 PM  
Blogger Victor Tabbycat said...

Yea! Edsel's Mom is doin better.
Yea! Edsel gets his blog back!
I'm missin you.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're so happy you are doing so well! Edsel must be quite happy, too. The positive thoughts are definitely swirling all around you.
~ tammara

6:12 PM  
Blogger Hot(M)BC said...

We're all glad you are feeling better Edselsmom. :) Yippee! Now we just got to send positive thoughts and purrayers that the pills make the rest of the bad stuff go all the way away. *purrin and sending good healin thoughts*

Edsel, I hope you don't have to hold your Mom down and pry her mouth open to get the pills in her. That wouldn't be fun at all! I'm so glad you'll be able to blog some again. :) I've missed my Tuxedo Gangster (that would be you!)

~~ Boni
and Sanjee, Mini, Gree, Pepi, MoM Robyn, and Grandma

6:53 PM  
Blogger Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

So glad to hear that things are going well! Takin' pills kinda stinks, but if it makes you better then you gotta do it. We'll keep thinkin' good kitty thoughts for you. Take care (get lotza rest!) and feel good!

9:22 PM  
Blogger zorro's crew said...

Welcome home Edsel's Mom. We hope they don't have to put the pill in sheese and shove the chunks down your thoat. we hate that. We hope you are feeling better cause Edsel needs you.

All our love a purrayers.
Bill, Bon Bon, Bob and meow meeow (buttons) and of course Zorro

9:26 PM  
Blogger Spock said...

Sue, as glad as we will all be to see Edsel back I think we will all miss seeing your "purrty" face!

Meow! Hey dude!

10:48 PM  
Blogger Max said...

::raises paw::: I, for one, would be appreciative if Edsel could give an update once in a while. Kitties do worry about their People and need to talk about them sometimes, even if it's just to hear another kitty say "It's ok, dude..." Because even if it's about the Person, it's really about the kitty...ya know?

I'm verrrrrrah happy things are going pretty well... those head docs are pretty amazing peoples, especially when they don't sneeze when they have their fingers in your brain (the Woman said that...though I think hers DID sneeze. it would explain a lot... hehehehe)

11:42 PM  
Blogger Just Ducky said...

Hi Edsel, Glad you are back posting. I see you had started to leave comments around, so knew things were getting better.

I agree with Max, the occasional update on the beanmom would be appreciated to know she is getting better and better.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Edsel, we understand about your mama. Sometimes we have a lot to worry about with our beans, and they are a major part of our lives after all. And to let others know what is happening helps us deal with the problems, and the beans have a saying, something about a problem shared is a problem solved, or something like that.

I can't wait til my Mama has a job and life will go back to normal for a while.

Purrayers are wonderful things. Isn't it a good feeling to know that we all reaally care about each other out here????

7:12 PM  
Blogger Edsel/The Pooch said...

Brandi - yes, you're absolutely right. us all caring about each other makes bloggin' really special. we are prayin' that your Mama gets a job real soon.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Thanks for the update. The chihuahuas and I have been checking back to see if your Mommy is doing okay. It sounds like she's on the way to many happy feel good days. We'll keep our paws crossed for you, and tell our human Mommy to do the same.

10:15 PM  
Blogger Carolina Cats said...

Yay!!! We are so glad Edselmom is doing better. Mom allways gives us a treat after yechhy pills, so Edsel, give yore mom a treat like a people cookie or a good head butt after she takes her pills, oK?

Finny & Buddy

9:02 AM  
Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy July Fourf Edsel and EdselsFamily!

10:48 AM  
Blogger Hot(M)BC said...

Happy Fourf of July, my Tuxedo Gangster and Edselsmom and Casey and efurrybody!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs :)
~~ Boni

1:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Fourth of July! I am glad everything is going well.

6:36 PM  
Blogger jenianddean said...

We're all glad you are feeling better, but don't feel like you ar hijacking Edsel's blog when we get updates, because although this blog is about Edsel, you are a definite part of who Edsel is and your health affects him and, in turn, us. Keep your spirits up...

12:39 PM  
Blogger Puff said...

Edsel, do you have to wrap your mom in a towel to give her the medicine? We are continuing to purray for her, so be sure to nuzzle her for us.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Musette said...

My peeps crush up my pills and stir them into tuna juice. They think I don't know that they do that.

4:37 PM  
Blogger TheTart said...

Great to hear from you. You are in my thoughts daily! All the best to your home supporters .... family & of course the wonderful handsome Edsel!!

The Tart
& The Whippy Curly Tails


8:20 PM  
Blogger Edsel/The Pooch said...

puff, my Mom is too big to wrap in a towel, but i'll have to think about that - maybe a blanket..... and i don't think she really like tuna juice Musette, so that probly won't work either....

9:32 PM  
Blogger Timmy said...

I'm glad I got to read this to the fam... we've been thinkin' 'bout you! Let's pray that the yucky pills make you feel much better!! You're a real good and kind bean Purrrrrr....

5:12 PM  
Blogger The Fluffy Tribe said...

Glad you are feeling better and better. Keep it that way Edsel's Mom ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko and Poiland Tribe

6:16 PM  
Blogger Tommy and Teaghan said...

We're so happy that you're on your way to recovery. You're right, there's nuffin better than all those positive vibes. They can reach out all over the world.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce said...

Ther are good people and then there are great people. If you want to find a great person, just look for the human being lead by a cat.

We still have all our paws and claws crossed for you. We know what a long road it can be.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Eponine's Cowboy said...

I know there's rarely a day that goes by that I don't think about Edsel and you. Glad to get an update and hope you continue along on a wonderful path of recuperation.

2:47 AM  

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